
a work in progress

LED Snakes

(Last Updated: )

Existing project


Flexible LED tubes controlled by WLED and turned into flow spinning props. I debuted the first edition of these at the Fall 2024 Wildfire Retreat, hastily assembled the night before I left for camp, and wrapped in shrink wrap (liberated from some shipping containers in the camp kitchen) for “safety” at the event, they unbelivably worked on the first try.

The handle/power arrangement looks and feels terrifying, but the LED tubes are sufficiently bright and responsive as well as flexible enough to feel good to spin. Several people tried them and seemed interested by the design.

TODO: include pictures


Other supplies

Future plans, or “how am I supposed to hold these things?”

While the initial version “worked”, there are several areas for improvement.


Due to the amount of tape and bagging situation most folks were unsure which end to hold to spin. I recommended holding the batteries, but it definitely felt more comfortable to have the weight at the end of the flex.

This is open for debate, and will probably relate to what kind of power source is finalized, as well as securing the grip or handle somehow.


Several proposals for handles were made;


The batteries sourced for the project work fine, but should be housed safely so that they can’t be slapped together or beaten on the ground as easily. Something about maybe not making fireballs by accident was mentioned.

More connectivity

WLED already allows the snakes to sync up, and for patterns to be controlled via bluetooth from another device like a phone. Maybe some kind of other live integration is possible like with the Magfest Swadge


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